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Law, Justice, and Development Week: Nov. 8-9 in DC

NYU Law Professors Jose Alvarez, Kevin Davis, Benedict Kingsbury, and Richard Stewart will speak at the World Bank’s Law, Justice, and Development Week on Nov. 8 and 9 in Washington, D.C.  The full agenda is here.  Professor Stewart will speak about “Mainstreaming Climate Finance.”  Professor Davis will discuss “Norms and Standards in International Development — Avoiding the Trap of One-Size-Fits-All,”  on a panel that will be moderated by Professor Kingsbury.  That panel also features Bruce Jones of the NYU Center on International Cooperation.  Professors Kingsbury and Alvarez will co-moderate a discussion on “Governance and Reform at International Financial Institutions.”

The discussions will feature other practitioners and scholars, including Elizabeth Anderson and David Caron.  Other information may be found here.

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1 month ago

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

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