The Journal of International Law and Politics regularly organizes academic symposia at NYU Law School and online. Over the years the journal has brought together countless judges, practitioners, and academics from a variety of disciplines to tackle emerging transnational problems and their legal implications.
Our 2020 symposium, “Russia Beyond Russiagate,” convened on February 11-12, 2021. Videos of the panels on U.S.-Russia Relations and Disputed Territories and Revolutions in Post-Soviet Space can be viewed here:
Russia Beyond Russiagate
26th Annual Herbert Rubin and Justice Rose Luttan Rubin International Law Symposium
February 11-12, 2021
For the past several years, Russia has been all over the news in the wake of the Mueller
investigation and Trump’s impeachment proceedings. However, much of this coverage does not
explore the nuances of Russia, glossing over its many complexities. Given that Russia has the
largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, and is engaged in conflicts across the globe, often on the
opposite side of the U.S., the potential for open-conflict or proxy-wars between the U.S. and
Russia is a lingering threat. This is a dangerous prospect, and thus it is imperative that we deepen
our understanding of Russia both within the context of U.S.-Russia relations, as well as the
politics of Russia itself. This year, JILP’s 26th Annual Herbert Rubin and Justice Rose Luttan Rubin International Law
Symposium will be devoted to interrogating a range of Russian legal issues that go beyond
“Russiagate.” The symposium will be divided into four panels, described below: