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Tug of War Symposium This Thursday

The Journal of International Law and Politics is pleased to invite you to attend our 2012 symposium this Thursday, October 25th. Our all day event, entitled “Tug of War: The Tension Between Regulation and International Cooperation,” will feature panel discussions on forum non conveniens dismissal, the application of foreign law, and judgment enforcement. The symposium will conclude with an address by Lord Collins of Mapesbury, former Justice of the U.K. Supreme Court, with commentary from Judge Diane P. Woods of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Registration is free and CLE credits will be available.  The event will be from 9:00-4:30 at NYU School of Law’s Greenberg Lounge, 40 Washington Square South.

We hope to see you on Thursday!

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binance referral bonus
4 months ago

Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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